Saturday, 25 February 2017


This morning (Saturday 25th) we had breakfast in the hotel. I went straight for the Indian food – not sure what I was eating but it was superb! David had English but we both had Indian Chai (tea) to drink.

We were due to meet Joshi at 1pm for the drive to Bangalore so we checked out early and left our baggage in storage and set out for the local zoo which is a 15 minute walk from the hotel. We spent a couple of hours there specifically photographing the big cats and animals that I can add to my overflowing folders of wildlife subjects. 

To get to the zoo we walk past the street restaurant/cafe where we ate last night ... it doesn't look anything special but its an amazingly slick operation with about 12 staff constantly flitting between tables.   Its not the place to linger for a nice evening out but the food is pretty special.    Its always packed (this was taken around 10am and the place is full).   The car park is less busy than in the evening though so the man with whistle wasn't quite as manic as usual.

Mysore zoo is a very nice one – the animals have lots of freedom and big enclosures. For spectators its a pretty good place to take photos as they don't have many large animals behind (dirty) glass. They have well thought out enclosures with moats/tall walls and bars which allow you to take photos with no metal fence links in the way.

We got back to the hotel and had 45 minutes to spare so enjoyed a cold beer by the poolside. I was chuffed that this little bulbul came to visit. It sat on a chairback at the neighbouring table and posed for a couple of minutes (I think its the red-whiskered bulbul but am willing to be told otherwise)!

To put (financial) things into perspective, the bottle of beer we shared at the Radisson cost us as much as the mega curry feast we enjoyed the previous evening (street food/cafe/restaurant).  

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