Sunday, 26 February 2017


Sorry – but I did say I/we took far too many photos at the City Market.

I think we were relieved to find something other than modern office buildings etc., and certainly the market is an experience.

We stopped for Chai at a shop on the outskirts of the market and risked drinking from glasses (which get washed in 'ordinary' water. We were just so hot/tired that we needed to sit and chill for 10 minutes.

We spent around 3 hours walking around the market and it really is an assault on all senses and very tiring – simply making your way through the overcrowded streets without getting hit by bikes or Tuk Tuks. But its tremendous fun and this is the last market we'll visit this trip I think 

Once we left the market we took a Tuk Tuk to a commercial shopping centre (which turned out to be one department store) in the hope of finding somewhere to have a cold drink.    

We then walked to a nearby micro brewery we'd read about ... to find that there was a wedding party booked into the restaurant/bar area so we couldn't have the cold beer we were sooooo looking forward to.     We carried on walking to another shopping mall where I'm ashamed to say we sat amongst the KFC, McDonalds and other fast food outlets in order to get a cold can of cola!   Then we walked back to our hotel, showered, turned on the aircon and just chilled for 3 hours (except its taken me that long to upload photos and make a couple more blog posts).   

We're about to set forth into town for a meal and then its an early night as we leave at 7am to drive to the airport to catch our flight to Gujerat ... where I'm hoping there may be wifi but I'm not confident.   we're staying in isolated bungalows on a nature reserve ...

but back to Bangalore market  .. my previous post showed photos of the flower market and 'other' items for sale.

Now here are some of the characters – human and animal that we met today:

The 'humans' all asked to be photographed - the cows were photographed without giving consent and the sheep ... well they didn't give a damn!

This is one of my favourites and I'm pretty sure he'll be on the 'drawing board' before long!

We've noticed how rapidly India is changing (becoming more westernised) with people in the major cities opting to wear jeans and t-shirts rather than traditional garb.   As I'm usually on the look-out for subjects for portraits this is quite sad .. but times move on.   I think I  will be doing a bit of mixing faces/headwear/clothing to create the 'ideal' model

 and now for some of the 'animal' subjects we met in the market today

nice place for a snooze!

 We made a wrong turn and ended up in the rubbish tip section of the market where bulldozers were loading everything onto garbage trucks ... but the cows were there investigating all the fruit/vegetable 'out-takes' and having a great time


  1. Well done Sue, that's a lot of blogging in a short space of time.

    The photos are lovely and make me want to go back again soon. We'd decided we had enough of India after our last trip but I do so love shooting the locals (!) and I'm running out of characters. Looking forward to see Gujerat pics

  2. I do love the way the cows horns are painted.
