Sunday, 19 February 2017


As FB friends will know we had a stressful lead up to our trip thanks to British Airways. To cut a long story short, we were unable to check in/reserve seats on line and when we got to the airport found they had overbooked seats in Premium Economy and Business Class so had downgraded us to Economy Class. We were told that if there were any 'no shows' we'd be reinstated at Premium Economy or even Business Class, otherwise we'd have to fly economy and ask for compensation.

I was not a happy bunny. However, at the very last minute after long negotiations at the Boarding Gate we were switched back to Premium Economy …

We had somebody taken ill on the plane 1 hour into the flight and out went the call 'is there a doctor of medicine on the flight'? Thankfully there was, and thankfully the young man who was taken ill recovered after being put on oxygen for a few hours.

Our flight left at 2pm GMT and we arrived at Bangalore at 11.30pm GMT (which is 5am in India) We got our visa entries sorted, collected luggage and checked in for the onward flight to Cochin/Kochi with an hour to spare so spent the time chatting to a lovely American couple who were on a Group Tour and having a great time in India.

The flight from Bangalore to Cochin is just about one hour. 10 mins into the flight there was a piercing shriek from 2 rows behind us (which we thought at first was a naughty child) then realised an Indian lady had been taken ill and was having fits, foaming at the mouth and convulsing. Once again the call went out 'is there a doctor of medicine on the flight' and 3 Indian lady doctors and one US male doctor all rushed up. Between them they put the sick lady on the floor in the aisle and ministered to her for 40 mins. Just before we landed she seemed to rally a bit and they sat her back in her seat till we were on the ground. What are the odds on having people taken ill on 2 consecutive flights I wonder? The staff were amazing in both cases though..

Anyway we landed in Cochin on schedule and were met by taxi. The driver stopped at a Grog Shop/liquer store for us so David could buy some wine and some beer as many places we stay at don't serve wine except by prior arrangement and sometimes its nice to sit and have a glass of vino in the evening whilst relaxing. Bottles of wine in hotels start at around £22 per bottle so we'd rather buy our own at prices similar to UK supermarket prices.

Whilst David was in the shop choosing the goodies (ladies not allowed to buy alcohol), I took a few photos of this lovely man herding his flock of ducklings along the road – he's using a stick with a carrier bag on the end to 'choreograph' their movement funny, but I've stopped being surprised at some of the things we see/hear in this amazing country.

The drive to our homestay/plantation was around 90 mins and I figured by that time we'd been sitting in airports/on planes/in taxis for 22 hours without sleep. So after meeting the other 2 guests we went for a brief walk around the gardens/grounds to see what changes there have been since we were here last February then sat down to a delicious lunch of Keralan dishes . We had a Siesta for a couple of hours to recharge our batteries and this is our room, plus dressing room complete with rocking cot for the baby (which I seem to have forgotten to bring)! And part of the bathroom – too large an area to get a proper picture. That bed is seriously high and we have 'mounting blocks' either side to help us get in/out of bed. Must remember that if I have to get up in the dark!

The 'dressing' area

door to verandah area

and then late afternoon when the weather was cooler we walked out towards the local village and stopped to chat/photograph some of the families we met.

Just a few photos from this afternoon.

As the Homestay/plantation is a wetland farming area there are lots of wading/fishing birds around

Just loved this character ... apparently he is the local artist!

 One of the many local dogs

Sun just beginning to set

I've no idea what fruit this is ... but it looks a little 'rude'

Butter wouldn't melt .....


  1. I'm so pleased all was well in the end with your seats but thoroughly disgusted as to how widespread this is. In future i will download my "rights" from the applicable airline prior to flying although its a perfectly legal practice.

    The homestay looks lovely and presumably you didn't have the same bedroom last year or have you just shrunk?

    Personally i was quite glad not to go into the liquor stores as most of the people queuing when we went looked most unsavoury.

    Lovely photos and looking forwad to more ☺
    Looking forward today seeing

  2. Oh dear my comments haven't shown up but I was just slagging BA off anyway so I won't repeat them. Looking forward to the next blog and more pics

  3. What an eventful start to your holiday, hopefully things will be a little calmer from now on! Your room looks lovely, just don't fall out of bed!

  4. Thanks ladies ... sorry I just couldn't answer any comments (time and wifi constraints) so just reading them all from the comfort of my desk at Whistable! Sue
