Monday, 20 February 2017


Yesterday was a bit of a blur really - we were seriously tired but we had a good night's sleep and are hopefully back on track

It is very hot/steamy here.

This morning we discovered that the lead for the laptop charger is still in the UK.   The wrong lead was packed.   Had I been the culprit we'd never have heard the end of the matter but ... I wasn't the culprit ...

Actually I blame Christine (the travel laptop computer) she can be very wicked at times and I reckon she swapped the cables when we weren't looking!

We decided to walk into the nearest village/small town which takes approx 45 minutes to see if there was an electrical supplier who could sell us a cable.     It was such a hot walk, and the village/town was very dusty and busy so we took a TukTuk ride home and it was worth the huge expense of 500 rupees (around 50 pence)!   

Thankfully Shumi (our hostess) was able to locate a lead for us so Christine is charging up and we hope to be able to purchase a lead at our next destination.

Not a lot to report from this morning ... I did photograph this little fellow who was beautiful in flight with that long flowing tail.   He is a Paradise Flycatcher:

Local scenes

We spent a leisurely afternoon avoiding the heat and are now sitting on one of the many terraces here enjoying some of the local wine we purchased on the journey in.   Actually two more visitors arrived this afternoon so we had expected to be sharing the bottle ... but so far nobody else has shown up so we're struggling through manfully by ourselves!   

Looking forward to Dinner ... loving all the Keralan dishes


  1. Looks fabulous there, feeling quite jealous.

  2. Any sign of Lionel Blair and Bill Oddie?

  3. Hi Di. Bearing in mind we travelled for around 22 hours with only a couple of hours sleep on the plane, we wanted to re-visit Olavipe Homestay where we knew we could chill out and relax.

    Hi Angela. No sign of them I'm pleased to say!!
